
Plastics Renewal®

Brightmark’s patented Plastics Renewal® technology converts mixed plastic types, 1 through 7, into new, circular products. Plastic waste, meet your (re)maker.

Turning plastic waste into new products

Brightmark’s Circularity Centers convert plastic waste into new, circular products through a patented-pyrolysis process. Our projects create value from waste by generating new products, reducing emissions, and diverting waste from landfills, waterways, and incinerators.

Step 1: Shredding

Once the plastic waste is collected, it is prepped for conversion by shredding, removing metals, drying, and pelletizing.

Animated image of the shredding process of plastic renewal
Step 2: Processing

The pelletized plastic material is then heated and vaporized in an oxygen-starved environment.

Animated image of plastic pellets moving down conveyor belt.
Step 3: New products

The final products are sent to our customers, which can be used for future lives as ISCC PLUS-certified circular plastic products.

Animated image of headphones created through the plastic renewal process.
Arial view of a Plastic Renewal plant and an Environmental Clarity logo in the foreground.

Life cycle analysis certified

A life cycle analysis conducted by Environmental Clarity Inc. and peer-reviewed by a Georgia Institute of Technology faculty demonstrates that our Plastics Renewal® technology yields significant environmental savings —saving 82% of energy1, 46% of water1, and a 39%-139%2 reduction in carbon footprint.

1Life cycle analysis conducted by Environmental Clarity Inc. and peer-reviewed by a Georgia Institute of Technology faculty.
2Scale is based on respective EU and U.S. categorization of waste solutions.

ISCC PLUS certified

Our Ashley Circularity Center is ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) PLUS certified.

Inside of a plastic renewal facility with an ISCC PLUS logo in the foreground.

Creating a brighter future

We get it; plastic can be confusing. That’s why we welcome Jude, a seven-year-old boy from Ashley, Indiana, wanting to see (and create) a better future. Watch our film to get a better understanding of how our Plastics Renewal® process works—from Jude’s perspective.



“We are able to accept all types of plastic that are co-mingled. It might not sound like a big deal, but it’s a game-changer.”


– Rick Peterson // Technology Officer

No plastics left behind

Each Brightmark® Circularity Center has the capacity to process 100,000 tons of mixed waste plastic per year and turn it into new, circular products. If you have plastic waste or want to partner with us, please fill out this form.

Brightmark worker wearing safety vest and hard hat handling plastic waste.

Plastic waste,
meet your (re)maker.

Post-use plastics end up choking waterways, harming vulnerable ecosystems, and can even end up in living organisms as microplastics.

We’re here to change that with our Brightmark® Circularity Centers. We’re creating circular solutions to waste, drastically reducing the negative impacts of plastic waste and virgin production.

To date we've recycled over
pounds of plastic waste
Brightmark worker in a hard hat having a conversation with another worker.

Health and safety information

Our number one priority is the health and safety of our employees, our facilities, and the communities in which we operate. These systems are reinforced through our daily safety reminders and prioritization of safety throughout our organizational structure.

How can you make an impact?

Whether your actions are big or small, anyone can make a difference.


Interested in (re)purposing plastic waste?

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