
California AB 1305 Disclosure Statement
The following disclosures are made in compliance with California AB 1305. References to “we” or “our” refer to Brightmark, LLC. (“Brightmark”) and its subsidiaries.
RNG Project-Related GHG Emissions Reductions Claims
The greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions reductions for a renewable natural gas (“RNG”) project are calculated based on the total amount of metric million British thermal units (“MMBtu”) of RNG produced, which is pulled directly from the data history of each RNG project site. This initial value and the carbon-intensity score for a project, which is obtained by utilizing the California Air Resources Board (“CARB”) Low Carbon Fuel Standard (“LCFS”) model and third-party verification process, are then combined to calculate the GHG emissions reductions for a project in tons of CO2 equivalents. The equivalents are based on the global warming potential (“GWP”) of methane compared to carbon dioxide quantified by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) and published in their assessment reports.
Regarding the running count of the aggregate GHG emissions reductions achieved by the RNG projects displayed on our website, historical GHG emissions reductions are calculated as of a particular date—typically once the project comes “online” (meaning operational and producing renewable natural gas continuously). Then, future GHG emissions reductions are estimated based on the project’s forecasted RNG production in MMBtu per day. This calculation is converted into a running GHG emissions reduction rate in tons per second, which is then added to the actual emissions reductions as of the analysis date. The aggregate figure is adjusted periodically to reflect the actual production values. Typically, adjustments are made quarterly and whenever a new RNG project is brought online.
Plastics Renewal® Technology Carbon Footprint Reduction
A peer-reviewed life cycle analysis of Brightmark’s proprietary advanced Plastics Renewal® technology determined that this technology produces 39%-139%1 fewer GHG emissions than equivalent products made from virgin materials. The peer review was conducted by a faculty member from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and the analysis was conducted by Environmental Clarity, Inc. Information regarding the life cycle analysis can be accessed here:
Plastics Circularity Center GHG Emissions Reductions Claim
The GHG emissions reductions for the Ashley Circularity Center are calculated by utilizing a life cycle analysis conducted by Environmental Clarity Inc. Information regarding this life cycle analysis can be accessed here: The GHG emissions reductions are calculated based on the environmental savings of Brightmark’s technology compared to technologies that produce equivalent products made from virgin materials.
GHG Emissions Reductions Equivalency Claims
GHG emissions reductions equivalency claims (e.g., claims that a GHG emission reduction is equivalent to planting a certain number of acres of forest every year) are based on calculations obtained using the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator located at
Carbon Neutral, Carbon Negative and Carbon Intensity Claims
A project is “carbon neutral” if it has a carbon intensity of zero. A project is “carbon negative” if it has a negative carbon intensity. In each case, we calculate the carbon intensity by inputting facility-specific data into the CARB LCFS model. RNG projects typically have a carbon intensity of -100gC02/Mje to +25gC02/Mje, which is significantly lower than fossil fuel natural gas projects at +81gC02/Mje. We obtain the carbon intensity of fossil fuel natural gas projects from utilizing Argonne National Laboratory’s Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Technologies (“GREET”) Model, which is used for federal and state environmental policy, including the Renewable Fuel Standard and the Low Carbon Fuel Standard.
Independent Third-Party Verification
The LCFS has a third-party verification process that includes initial validation and annual verifications. A description of the process can be found here: Unless otherwise indicated, independent third-party verification of data or claims has not been obtained.
1Scale is based on respective EU and U.S. categorization of waste solutions.
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