How Anaerobic Digestion Works: Organics
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Through all steps of food production, from growing to distribution, waste is created. It's inevitable. As the product leaves farms and begins its journey to grocery stores, restaurants, households, and more, the excess tends to get lost in the shuffle—ending up in landfills where it sits for years and emits significant amounts of greenhouse gas.
But, there is a solution. Here's how we want to create change.
Brightmark's Circularity Centers will capture greenhouse gas through anaerobic digestion* and convert them into renewable energy.
* anaerobic digestion
The chemical process by which organic matter is broken down by microorganisms in the absence of oxygen, which results in the generation of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). A renewable source of energy.
We will divert organic waste from landfills into our circularity centers, where it is prepared for anaerobic digestion.

Organics are broken down into nutrients that can be repurposed. During this process, biogas forms naturally and is captured.
We extract the methane from captured biogas, then upgrade it into renewable natural gas that is distributed to the pipeline where it can be used for heat and power locally.
We convert the remaining solids into organic fertilizer or compost. The leftover liquids are either used for land application at area farms or are treated at a local wastewater treatment plant.

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