
Circularity Centers: Dairy

What is RNG?

We capture the methane released from organic waste and convert it into renewable natural gas, better known as “RNG.”

Renewable natural gas (RNG) is natural gas produced from organic waste like food and animal plant-based materials. Anaerobic digestion technology captures raw biogas, cleans, upgrades, and compresses it into RNG. Significant RNG sources are landfills, animal manure, and solid waste extracted during wastewater treatment.

The gas is considered “renewable” because it is created by continuously produced waste and naturally occurs in decomposition.

Dairy Circularity Centers*

*To provide a high-level overview of centers in close proximity to one another, specific centers have been grouped by region (e.g., the Rochester Circularity Center consists of 5 individual projects all within a certain radius).

Do you have questions about our pipeline projects?

At Brightmark, our mission to Reimagine Waste relies on our core value of safety—ensuring we follow and implement world-class systems at each site worldwide. These systems are reinforced through our daily safety reminders and prioritization of safety throughout our organizational structure. Our safety achievements are the direct result of the deliberate and thoughtful actions of each one of us at Brightmark.

To date we've reduced emissions by more than
tons of CO₂eq through our circularity centers

Transform your waste

Brightmark owns and operates over 30 circularity centers working with 40 farms across the United States, all of which have been launched in the past three years alone, making the company an emerging leader in the rapidly growing RNG industry. If you’d like to partner on a project with us, please fill out this form to get started. Thanks!

Cows relaxing on pasture

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